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The 'CIGAR' (Compact Idiosyncratic Gapped Alignment Report) string is how the SAM/BAM format represents spliced alignments. This function will accept a CIGAR string for a single read and a single character indicating the operation to be parsed in the string. An operation is a type of column that appears in the alignment, e.g. a match or gap. The integer following the operator specifies a number of consecutive operations. The count_matches() function will identify all occurrences of the operator in the string input, add them, and return an integer number representing the total number of operations for the read that was summarized by the input CIGAR string.


count_matches(x, char = "M")



Character. A CIGAR string for a read to be parsed. Examples of possible operators include "M", "D", "I", "S", "H", "=", "P", and "X".


A single letter representing the operation to total for the given string.


an integer number representing the total number of alignment operations for the read that was summarized by the input CIGAR string.


This function is best used on a vector of CIGAR strings using an apply function (see examples).


# A single cigar string: 3M + 3M + 5M
cigar1 <- "3M1I3M1D5M"
count_matches(cigar1, char = "M")
#> [1] 11

# Parse with operator "P": 2P
cigar2 <- "4M1I2P9M"
count_matches(cigar2, char = "P")
#> [1] 2

# Apply to multiple strings: 1I + 1I + 5I
cigar3 <- c("3M1I3M1D5M", "4M1I1P9M", "76M13M5I")
vapply(cigar3, count_matches, char = "I",
       FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
#> 3M1I3M1D5M   4M1I1P9M   76M13M5I 
#>          1          1          5